Posts Tagged by cognitive behavioural therapy
Economics of Providing Psychotherapy
PsychiatryOnline | Psychiatric News | News Article. Susan G. Lazar, M.D. text A A A Mental illness is the leading cause of global disability, accounting for one-third of disability worldwide, according to 2008 data from the World Health Organization. In the United States, costs of mental illness are 7 percent of total health care expenditures, with the indirect […] more
Money making you crazy? Therapy the answer?
If your relationship with money is making you crazy, therapy might be the answer – Winnipeg Free Press. If your relationship with money is making you crazy, therapy — not the retail variety — might be the answer By: Carolin Vesely Enlarge Image Dr. Moira Somers helps people to wake up to their financial reality. […] more
Myths of Psychotherapy: Mental Health
Myths of Psychotherapy: #2 « Mental Health. By Thomas L. Schwartz, MD Psychotherapy, talk therapy, and counseling are all terms used when treatment revolves around a patient talking to a therapist every week. This series of blogs aims to evaluate some common myths about getting therapy for one’s mental or emotional symptoms. The first post […] more
Social Anxiety: Cognitive or Interpersonal Therapy?
Social Anxiety Disorder: Cognitive Therapy or Interpersonal Therapy? By John M. Grohol, PsyD Founder & Editor-in-Chief If all you did was watch TV, you might think social anxiety disorder was as prevalent as depression — or as big a problem. Also called social phobia, social anxiety disorder is often treated first with medications, such […] more
ADHD: It’s not just kids who suffer
It’s not just kids who suffer from ADHD – The Globe and Mail. From Monday’s Globe and Mail Published Sunday, Aug. 21, 2011 7:30PM EDT In the last decade, there has been an explosion of cases of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among Canadian children. Everyone knows a Grade 2 student who cannot stop fidgeting in […] more
Mindfulness Meditation: Effective as antidepressants for depression relapse
Mindfulness meditation found to be as effective as antidepressant medication in prevention of depression relapse. TORONTO, Dec. 7 /PRNewswire/ A new study from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) has found that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy — using meditation — provides equivalent protection against depressive relapse as traditional antidepressant medication. The study published in […] more