Posts Tagged by stress reduction

ADHD: It’s not just kids who suffer

It’s not just kids who suffer from ADHD – The Globe and Mail. From Monday’s Globe and Mail Published Sunday, Aug. 21, 2011 7:30PM EDT In the last decade, there has been an explosion of cases of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder among Canadian children. Everyone knows a Grade 2 student who cannot stop fidgeting in […] more

The Powerful Influence of Parents

by Jerry Lopper, Personal Growth Coach  on June 13, 2011 » Image By Colin Brough The influence of our parents is on my mind right now. Even as we become fully functioning adults and parents ourselves, it’s intriguing to consider how much of who we are is directly attributable to beliefs and experiences we encountered as […] more

Why It’s So Hard to Find Your Life’s Purpose “Every being is intended to be on earth for a certain purpose.” – Sa’di, 12th Century Persian poet I’m often asked, “Why can’t I find the purpose of my life?” Over the decades I’ve heard many men and women — whether they’re psychotherapy patients working to build healthier lives or business executive trying to […] more

EFT Tapping: How To !   This is a very good set of videos on Tapping. I have trained since 1999 in EFT and my main teachers used it extensively.                 Rory ***** EMOTIONAL FREEDOM TECHNIQUE (“EFT”) excerpted from piece written by Sandra Lewis, MA Emotional Freedom Technique is an energy healing […] more

Mindfulness Meditation: Effective as antidepressants for depression relapse

Mindfulness meditation found to be as effective as antidepressant medication in prevention of depression relapse. TORONTO, Dec. 7 /PRNewswire/ A new study from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) has found that mindfulness-based cognitive therapy — using meditation — provides equivalent protection against depressive relapse as traditional antidepressant medication. The study published in […] more

ADHD TV – Episode #1 – Podcast

ADHD TV – Episode #1 | ADHD.TV Video podcasts that explain many facets of the ADD/ADHD condition for both adults and children. (may contain some medications advertising)           more

Sufferers of anxiety: You are not alone

A message to sufferers of anxiety disorders: you are not alone This article talks about anxiety and its treatment.  I have facilitated the 14 week group put on be the Ontario Anxiety Disorders Assoc.  (ADAO). Rory ***** The Ottawa Citizen, The Ottawa Citizen Kelly Egan, When they struck hardest, Maria Connell says she feared she was about […] more

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