What career best fits your personality? This free career aptitude test can give you insight into your job personality. Based on a characterization of your personality in terms of Holland Code personality types, you will learn what kind of work environments and occupations suit you best. The results of this career test provide you with a list of professions and occupations that fit your career personality.
Choose a career that matches your preferences and you will increase your chances of being successful! Take this career quiz and get your results right now!
(We also offer practice aptitude tests for assessment training if that’s what you are looking for.)
Career test instructions
It takes five to ten minutes to complete this free career test. You will see fifteen sets of four pictures that show specific work activities. You must choose only one work activity that appeals to you the most and one that appeals to you the least.
Do not choose a work activity based on the status or money associated with it. Do not make your choice based on gender or race. Just imagine yourself performing the task shown and decide if you would like to doing it or not.
If you like doing the activity, click the on the picture. If you do not like doing the activity, click the
on the picture. You must choose a like and dislike for each set.